One thing you have to understand about Tim and I is that 1) we love everything baltimore 2) we are straight up Gangstas and 3) we ball so hard. If you are unaware of Ball So Hard University, take a quick peak at this video of Terrell Suggs, Baltimore Ravens linebacker, introducing himself on during a Ravens football game. One day I will be best friends with Terrell "Sizzle" Suggs because lets be real, I love ridiculous people and I also "ball so hard." That being said it was an obvious choice for Tim to buy me my very own Ball So Hard University Hoodie!
After exchanging gifts we went shopping because I was in dire need of a new pair of kicks. My last pair of kicks were great! They were pretty fresh to death, until I brought them to Africa, China and Guatemala...they soon lost their luster. Though they served me well for the past 3 years it was time to get some fresh kicks in my closet once again. Tim is one of my only friends who truly understands and shares my obsession with kicks so it was only right for him to help me find my new pair. We searched high and low and I finally came across these bad boys...
It was truly love at first sight! Fresh blue and black kicks, does it get any better!? I don't think so. After falling in love with my new kicks Tim and I bounced around the mall finding ridiculous attire such as these two lovely hats to try on...
Unfortunately, the Ravens lost in the final seconds of the game with a missed field goal attempt. You could feel the high energy immediately die down after the kick went wide. It wasn't the best way to end such a great weekend with my friends in Baltimore, but I suppose there is always next year? Later that night the NY Giants beat San Francisco 49ers, clinching their spot in the Superbowl and forcing the rest of the world to watch a repeat of the 2008 Giants-Patriots Superbowl.
Anyone else NOT excited for the repeat of the 2008 Superbowl? At least there should be good commercials!